We are absolutely thrilled to share some big, exciting news with you today. Your trusted real estate advisors, the Thrive Team at Compass, have just been honored with an incredible recognition. We've been ranked among the 'America's Best Real Estate Professionals' - an exclusive list that represents just the top 1.5% of real estate agents and teams in the USA.Yes, you read that right! This means that out of the hundreds of thousands of real estate professionals across the country, Thomas, myself (Javier), and our stellar Thrive Team have risen to the very top. We're beaming with pride and gratitude to be listed among such esteemed peers.

The 'America's Best Real Estate Professionals' ranking is not just a badge or title. It's a testament to the unyielding commitment, tireless effort, and unmatched expertise that our team brings to the table every single day. More than anything, it is a reflection of the strong relationships and enduring trust we have built with our valued clients.

We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all who made this possible. Firstly, a massive thank you to our hardworking team members who are always ready to go the extra mile. Your dedication, teamwork, and innovative thinking are the driving force behind our success.

To our clients, thank you for your unwavering trust and support. You inspire us to continually strive for excellence, pushing boundaries to deliver nothing but the best for you. We are humbled by your faith in us and we promise to keep working relentlessly to exceed your expectations.

We also want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Compass. The state-of-the-art technology, unparalleled support, and progressive culture that Compass offers have immensely helped us in providing superior service to our clients.

And finally, a big thank you to Real Trends and Tom Ferry – the organizations behind the 'America's Best Real Estate Professionals' ranking – for recognizing our commitment to providing exceptional service and achieving outstanding results.

As we celebrate this momentous milestone, we want to reaffirm our promise to all of you. The Thrive Team, with Thomas and Javier at the helm, will continue to do what we do best – helping you navigate the real estate market with confidence, and ensuring that your real estate journey is successful, smooth, and satisfying.

Once again, thank you for being part of our journey and for allowing us to be part of yours. Here's to more thriving and achieving together!

Javier & Thomas
Co-founders, Thrive Team @ Compass

Read ranking here.